Here are a few tips to make money as a teenager:
Use Family and Friends: “Look, uncle Joe, you are too busy for XYZ, let me lend you a hand for $XX.” This simple phrase is an easy way to make opportunity out of your friends and family close to you, and you’re helping them out as well. If any of your friends are family are starting a business be there, work, help set it up, and that way you can make some money as the business grows.
Use your neighborhood: Your neighborhood will always have people that need some type of assistance. Whatever it is you should be able to do it and have it on your list of services in order to make money. Tutoring, mowing the lawn, walking the dogs, babysitting, the list goes on and on. It may seem strange to have such an array of services and goods, but if you don’t mention all of the things that are willing to do for some money, you may be losing out on business.
Do everything: As a teen, there are a lot of extracurriculars that you can take apart of, so do everything. Every extracurricular is an opportunity to make some cash. Think of every extracurricular as an opportunity to network and meet new people. For example, playing an instrument could get you noticed by a restaurant that is willing to pay you to perform there.
Be productive: Let’s be honest for a moment. How long do you spend doing nothing every day? How many hours do you waste each week in front of TV or your computer? You do have time to work without damaging your grades or your social life. But you will need a bit of organization. Put homework first, get it out of the way before you go to work. Don’t accept a shift or a job that is too far to commute in time if you get out of school too late. The more you do, the more organized you are, the more you can do.
As you can see, if you open your eyes you can come to the realization that there is a lot of opportunity to make money as a teenager. All you have to do is go out there and find them and just do it.
Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Vincent Le is a pre-medical student at Georgia State University with an interest in surgery.