Whenever you search for a trending creator on Google, Wikipedia usually appears first with Famous Birthdays coming in a close second. Famous Birthdays is becoming the Wikipedia of Gen Z’s, here’s why.
What is it?
Famous Birthdays is a platform for “popular” people. If you gain enough following, people will know the most important details about your life. It currently has more than 150,000 pages, dedicated to popular celebrities, athletes, entrepreneurs, and personalities.
Its creator Evan Britton never meant to build Famous Brithdays in the first place. What he wanted was to create a platform for people to find stats and facts about their favorite celebrities. Britton meant to be what Wikipedia was not. He wanted to create a mobile-friendly site for people.
Simply put, it is a site dedicated to popular people, whom the mainstream media does not recognize just yet.
What’s the deal with it?
Britton called his creation the Wikipedia for the Gen Z’s. He realized the gap that exists between who the society calls “famous” and who are the really famous ones. He capitalized on the sudden influx of people’s search in their site.
They started building profiles for the new breeds of popular people. His team began to reach out to influencers because they are easier to locate compared to celebrities. Information and photos of the influencers were obtained and validated. Their decision to do this resulted to even more massive traffic in Famous Birthdays. It became a way for people to be verified, even if they did not have any Wikipedia pages in their name.
What’s Special?
Other than biographical data, people come back to Famous Birthdays for their ranking system. It is an elaborate way for people to see how they stack up with each other. Their ranks contain an expansive number of qualifiers.
Let’s say you’re a popular social media influencer. If you have a profile on Famous Birthdays, you and your fans can see what rank are you in terms of all the same-named individuals within the platform. It also allows you to locate your position among all the celebrities with the same zodiac signs as you. The possibilities to locate yourself in their rankings are almost endless.
You would certainly think that the man behind this platform would also want to be popular. If you think that’s the case then you’re wrong. Britton wants to be low key. He doesn’t care about popularity at all. As the creator, he just needs to make his website fast and user-friendly. He tells the Atlantic:
“I don’t want to be famous. Famous Birthdays is not about me … don’t need to be here when the celebs come in; I need to make sure the website is fast. I started the website because I’m passionate about [user experience], not celebrity culture.”
In Summary
By now, you should now believe that Famous Birthdays is the real deal. It is a brand new way to scout talent. As for Britton, he wants Famous Birthdays to be a pillar of the internet. He tells the Atlantic:
“I want Famous Birthdays to be a pillar of the internet, where if it goes down, it matters.”
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