Marketing is an extremely important component of any business. To put it simply: marketing puts your message out in the open. If you want to talk to your stakeholders, ensure that you invest in great marketing. Here are the five most genius marketing campaigns in recent memory.
We’re gonna start our list with something extremely out of the box. Earlier in 2018, IKEA was working with Åkestam Holst, a Swedish agency. They ran an ad in a women’s magazine. The text read: “Peeing on this ad may change your life”.
It turns out, the magazine page was treated with pregnancy kit technology. If the reader were pregnant, the advertisement will reveal a discounted price for an IKEA crib!
Cards Against Humanity
One day in 2017, a mysterious competitor in the potato-chip industry entered the fray. It read “Prongles”, which somehow sounds like one of the most popular brands out there. People were quick to jump the bandwagon and Prongles immediately sold out.
It turns out, it was a joke (which BTW is two years in the making) by the infamous indie game company, Cards Against Humanity. When asked about it, the creators pointed out how busy everyone is when Black Friday comes around.
Baked-goods company, MoonPie caught everyone’s attention when it tweeted something weird in 2017. It tweeted “It’s as good a day as any to stick a MoonPie in the microwave, light a couple candles, and scream into a soft pillow.”. This launched a months-long campaign on twitter and a couple of weird advertisements by the company which they claim have been made for Super Bowl. This effectively gave them the attention of a Super Bowl ad without spending a fortune.
It’s as good a day as any to stick a MoonPie in the microwave light a couple candles and scream into a soft pillow
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) November 30, 2017
Gravity Blanket
Makers of Gravity Blanket, John Florentino, and John Grillo had already raised $2 million in just two weeks. Eventually, they were able to raise $4.7 million in their Kickstarter for a line of 15, 20, and 25-pound blankets. They received a note from the Kickstarter company that the need to revisit their marketing strategy. Their pitch said that their blanket would lower stress hormone levels, which would treat insomnia.
After revisiting their marketing, they have realized that their pitch did not need clinical-sounding materials. They realized that the consumers did not want heavily tested and science-backed products. They just needed something warm and cozy. Florentino and Grillo capitalized on this and marketed their products to lifestyle consumers. This allowed their products to rake in $15 million in sales as of 2018.
Procter & Gamble
This advertisement is a need, especially in these trying times. Some years ago, Procter & Gamble ran a TV spot called “The Talk”. This features parents of color discussing with their children what “racial bias” is.
This was part of P&G’s larger campaign called “Black is Beautiful”. This advertisement caused so much buzz back then. P&G eventually pushed for it to be incorporated into a plot in the series, Black-ish.
Amazed by these concepts? You might want to read on the importance of marketing to every business here.
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