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This Serial Entrepreneur Has Raked in 8 Figures in his 20’s

Photo by: Jacob

What do you dream of becoming? For some, they want to be doctors, engineers, or scientists. The person we’re going to talk about today didn’t pursue his dream. Instead, he mastered what he was good at. Today, he is a multi-millionaire from his oral care and cosmetics company, Snow. Here’s how Josh Snow raked in 8 figures in his 20’s.

Josh Snow’s beginnings

Josh Snow has been an entrepreneur at heart since he was 13-years-old. He dreamed of becoming a doctor but that was put on hold. He decided to teach himself essential 21st century skills. Josh eventually became an expert in digital marketing and became a familiar face in the affiliate marketing space.

Josh added more skills to his arsenal. He learned sound engineering, website coding, and website design. He taught himself these skills to create more appealing creations. Josh eventually mastered Search Engine Optimization and earned money from AdWords and blog rankings. It was a natural thing to do for Josh to transition into affiliate marketing.

Why are we telling you all the things he did? Read on.

The Birth of “Snow”

As we’ve said previously, he equipped himself with all the necessary digital marketing skills. This allowed him to earn millions. Money was not going to cut it for Josh, though. He wanted something more. Something that he could talk about for the rest of his life because of his passion for it. Josh wanted to focus on the Business-to-Consumer market because of the potential massive demand. 

After making a long list, his outlook on his business was shaped by a jaw surgery in his younger years. He realized the gap that exists between strips in the store and dental whitening treatments. This viewpoint birthed Snow

Most of Snow’s products are in dental care services. These include teeth whitening products, mouthwash, toothpaste, and floss. In the company’s road map, there is a planned release for beauty products such as lip balms and lip exfoliators. 

In the future ahead, Josh also plans some groundbreaking technological advancements on their technologies. He tells True Hollywood Talk:

“We have several patents pending on our teeth whitening system that has Bluetooth technology, a wireless mouthpiece, auto-shade detection, red light gum therapy, plus so much more.”

Pieces of Advice from Josh Himself

Josh puts a premium on “Motivation”. It is the driving factor in the work that you do. Simply put, motivation allows you to work in your best mental state. However, this depends not only on you. Your motivation is always affected by the team around you. 

He also views success in a different light. For him, success is lighting the fire inside of people you work with. This allows them to set their goals according to their potential and not based on their skills. This is only possible if a healthy workplace culture is established. 

Lastly, he tells other entrepreneurs to know their value. He reminds others to perform rigorous research and develop a deep understanding of the product and the target market. Just because you consider your product good doesn’t mean that everyone will like it. Necessary preparations are a key in success.

Are you amazed by how he created his empire? If you’re interested, you might want to read how a broke college student became a multi-millionaire here.

Opinions expressed by AsianBlurb contributors are their own.

Brendan Cox
Written By

Brendan Cox (born 08/29/2000) is an American teen serial entrepreneur who currently owns and runs various businesses. Specializing in graphic design and branding, Cox is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in his age group.

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